How Will I Know When It’s Time To Say Goodbye?
One of the most difficult decisions to confront is knowing when it’s time to say goodbye. Lap of love, a wonderful organization that provides veterinary hospice and in-home euthanasia services, provides many valuable resources and assessments on their website. Here are few:
how will i know when it’s time to say goodbye?
pet quality of life calendar
quality of life scale
daily assessment
A very helpful service from Lap of Love is teleadvice. During a teleadvice session, you will speak directly with a Lap of Love veterinarian over the phone or on Zoom for about 30 minutes.
Teleadvice sessions help answer questions like these:
Should my pet be taken to a veterinary or emergency clinic?
What environmental changes can be made to make my pet more comfortable?
How can I determine my pet's quality of life on my own?
What happens to pets that experience this disease?
How do I encourage normal behavior in my pet (e.g., eating or drinking)?
When is the right time to consider euthanasia?
How do I plan for euthanasia?
How can I prepare for the loss of my pet?
How can I get the help I need after my loss?